February 01, 2022
Identity in handcrafting
Handcrafting identifies Anoeses. It is our approach to producing aesthetic products that give pleasure from the perception and make an impact on people's feelings. It correlates with the quality, beauty, and durability of the product.

Every relationship starts with respect. Our relationships with materials are not an exception. We respect leather because it associates with something reliable and valuable, with something that can gain stories. Mesh fabric and biflex – with sophistication and closeness. Latex – with reincarnation or transformation and rebellion. We want the materials to open up their characters in a design. Therefore, we treat them with a human touch. Cut details, smooth the edges and sew the parts all together. It is through manual work that our products embody Anoeses brand identity.

Our production is divided into branches that separately work with leather, textile, and latex. It is important for us that masters interact with specific material to which they have a genuine interest. You can tell it by the sincerity of a person.
Anoeses philosophy orbits the aesthetic of the human body. Each of us has some countable uniqueness: personal measurements of waist, hip, thigh, height, etc. When you order our leather, latex, and textile garments, you can specify your parameters at the check-out page and click 'Update'. The inclusive approach and manual work reveal the sensual characteristics of the material. Anoeses' garments come to life when they sit perfectly on the body.