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December 13, 2022


What gives things the power to enchant? Here at Anoeses, we strongly believe that desire to own a garment appears from its uniqueness, the feeling that gives the material… and from the sudden mental picture when you see yourself in a certain piece. This blog is dedicated to our new drop LTHR.1 and this mental picture.

By the end of 2022, we have prepared novelties sewn from soft black leather sprinkled with metallic zippers to add drive, adrenaline, and speed to their design. Let’s take a closer look at them.


It consists of a top, panties, and gloves. Altogether, they create a magnetic pole for those who want to appear confident without pretense. These gloves deserve special attention since they are the first leather gloves at Anoeses shop. The accessory looks massive because of a loose fit that makes the leather gather in pleats.

Corsets IRIS and ELLA

These two garments are the result of our investigation of streaming lines and how they emphasize silhouettes. When you look at the corsets, you can notice how your gaze runs exploring details. And in a moment… you see yourself as part of the whole picture, feel the phantom touch of the leather, and hear the sound of a zipper.

Are you ready to turn your mental picture into reality? Explore Anoeses drop LTHR.1 here!