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7 books about sexuality and sex

June 21, 2019

7 books about sexuality and sex

How much do we know about our body? Is it possible to free your sexuality from the fears and injuries of the past? Overcome prejudices, open up to others and have more fun? Answers in the best books about sex and sexuality in our collection.

How much do we know about our body? Is it possible to free your sexuality from the fears and injuries of the past? Overcome prejudices, open up to others and have more fun? Answers in the best books about sex and sexuality in our collection.


  1. «Viva la vagina»  by Nina Brochmann & Ellen Støkken Dahl  (2018)


“That’s enough of keeping silent about the hidden possibilities of an organ that is not called” is the subtitle of a book written by two medical students who first started a blog called Intimate Zone, and later, inspired by the example of Juliet Anders, author of “Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body's Most Underrated Organ”, wrote their own book .

The book with a revolutionary title is built as a sincere conversation on various (most sensitive) topics with pleasant bonuses - statistical data and completely medical information (the students were advised by a qualified gynecologist of the Invitro clinic), which are presented with humor and without any constraint.

As the authors correctly postulate, it’s time to debunk the myths about sexuality - every woman should know her body and have the right to freely dispose of it. Therefore, the book tells interesting facts about its capabilities and features, as well as just having fun with different remarks. For example: "With clitoris stimulation as with flirting: if you overdo it, everything is gone."

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  1. «Beauty Is a Wound» by Eka Kurniawan (2002)


If you didn’t know what to run into people suffering from slashingmaing, throw this book to them. But better to keep it for yourself. Because it is rightfully one of the eminent books about the feminine gender.

It has a lot of violence and a lot of suffering, politics and unexplainable oddities, but it is absolutely fascinating. So, for example, the novel begins with the most famous prostitute from Khalimunda Devi Ayu rising from the grave, where she spent 21 years, to visit her youngest daughter, the ugly Beauty.

The ups and downs of the novel are fascinating and built like a family drama. Indonesian writer Eka Kurniawan, inheriting Marquez, created an amazing magical canvas. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to freely navigate in the names of the characters and who will be who — by whom — for this, at the beginning of the book a scheme is kindly presented. But the book is worth reading at least in order to learn the story of how the princess married a dog, and an outstanding beauty has loved her grandmother's fiancée all her life, marrying her two daughters to her lovers.

And although the conclusion that “Beauty is grief” is in the title, an alternative would be “Love is a curse.”

“She became the best prostitute in the city, the universal favorite. Almost every guest slept with her at least once, and did not spare the money. Not because everyone dreamed of being in bed with a Dutch woman, but because Devi Ayu owned the art of love perfectly. Nobody treated her rudely, like other prostitutes — and if someone dared, they would avenge her, as if they were his wife. ”


  1. «Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex» by Mary Roach (2008)


The act of love inside the computer tomograph, porn films as material for studying - such researches of our sexuality are unusual, and someone is surely shocked. But without them, we would still remain captive to prejudice and myths. Mary Roach, an American author, specializing in popular science and humor, talks about the history of sexology and it’s the latest achieving thoroughly and with humor.

Quote: «Orgasm seems to be a state akin to what people, who have been abducted by aliens, describe: they come back, their hair is in disarray, and a certain amount of time has completely disappeared from their memory».


  1. «Good sex despite love» Ulrich Clement (2006)


German psychotherapist Ulrich Clement, founder of the Institute for Sexual Therapy in Heidelberg (Germany), wrote about the nature of desire. He managed to solve a sad riddle: why erotic experiences become worse with time even among loving couples. And he explains what feelings and thoughts are behind this “I don't want” and how to turn weakness into strength. If you sometimes show more erotic interest than you feel; you do what you really do not want, you find it difficult to explain to your partner what your desires are, then this book is for you.

Quote: “To enter into a partnership inevitably means to bring into your house together with a partner its contradictions, its features, and its eccentricity. He has enough characteristics that cause our love. But there are enough others which forcing us to tear our hair. To get one without the other is impossible.”


  1. «Sex, Money, Happiness, and Death: The Quest for Authenticity» by Manfred Kets de Vries (2009)


Strictly speaking, only one chapter is devoted to sex in this book, but it is so informative that it costs other individual editions. Dutch psychoanalyst Manfred Kets de Vries reflects on sexual attraction, the role of sexuality in our life and analyzes our ideas (false and fair) about the sexual attitudes of men and women.

Quote: "Sex is the body language to which we speak of tenderness and love, offense and indignation, superiority and dependence more specifically than we do it out loud, using inevitably abstract concepts and unsuccessful phrases."


  1.   «Sexuality, love and Gestalt» by Brigitte Martel (2006)


Clearly, concisely and structurally, the French Gestalt therapist Brigitte Martel answers complex questions about intimate life, talks about typical fears, fantasies and desires of men and women, gives recognizable examples from his therapeutic practice. An excellent tool for those who are embarrassed to come to a psychotherapist and would like to try to cope with their problems on their own.

Quote: “Many people, not understanding the connection of sexuality and aggressiveness, simply forget about it. However, healthy aggressiveness is needed for both men and women in order to express their desire, their needs and meet another person. ”


  1. «The Illustrated Manual Of Sex Therapy»  by Helen Singer Kaplan (1975)


Candid illustrations can be embarrassing, but nevertheless, this is not just another book about it. Helen Singer Kaplan is a leading American sex therapist, in her practice hundreds of cases of successful help to those who suffer from sexual disorders. The book is written both for specialists and for those of us who "just can't make love the way we might want to." The book describes erotic techniques and explains the mechanisms of their impact on partners.

Quote: "Sexual therapy, of course, cannot engender love in the soul, but the treatment process removes barriers."

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