December 23, 2021
5 Biggest Turn Ons For Guys
Knowing what turns a guy on in bed is a surefire way to make your relationship more fun, dynamic, and sexy. If you want to drive your boyfriend crazy and make him want you even more, then you need to be brave, adventurous, sexy, and keep things exciting and fresh. Follow our simple steps to turn yourself into the best sexual partner your man has ever had!
Watch the Way You Look
It might seem very shallow but that is true: most guys are turned on by what they see. Of course, it doesn't mean that you have to go to the gym every day of the week, put lots of makeup on your face, or spend tons of money on revealing clothes.
It just means that putting a little effort into your appearance can improve your sex life significantly. Here are a few things to consider:
Your clothing
Wearing clothes that accentuate your best features will help you feel more beautiful, sexy, and confident and this alone is enough to make your partner go crazy. However, if you really want to attract your man’s attention, try dressing in something provocative from time to time when you know that you and your man are going to be alone. This might create a nice change of pace that will help you feel like a sexy goddes and spark your man’s desire. You can also purchase some sexy underwear. The right thong, lace bra, or panties can turn on any man and make any woman feel extra attractive.
Hairstyle and makeup
Just like clothes, makeup has the power to accentuate your best features and lend you confidence. Of course, if your eyelashes are already thick and long, there is no need for mascara or if you have perfect skin, you don't have to put foundation on it. However, if you have some unwanted pimples or pigmentation, feel free to hide them with a bit of concealer if that helps you feel more beautiful and less self-conscious about your appearance.
For special occasions, you can try creating a smoky eyes look with dark eyeshadow and mascara, and just wear a little lip gloss or lip balm to draw attention to your lips.
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Dirty Talk
It doesn't matter whether you're in a committed long-term relationship or a one-night stand: dirty talk can make good sex even better. Men, in particular, enjoy it, and in some cases, they even openly encourage their partners to use dirty words in bed.
Men like women who speak openly about what they enjoy - and who tell men how to bring them pleasure. So don't be afraid to comment on what is going on before or during sex, what makes you really horny, and what is particularly sexy about your partner.
But dirty talk isn't reserved just for sex. Sending your boyfriend or casual partner a dirty text is a perfect way to make them want you even more. You may think that dirty text messages are silly and something only teenagers send. But they are a great way to remind your man how much you want him when he is not around. If you need to be away from your partner for a night, a few days, or even a month, sending dirty text messages is the perfect way to make your man want you even more.
Another option to consider is saying something sensual to your partner when you’re carrying out a routine task, for example, shopping. This can also make him look forward to getting back home and spending some time in bed.
Showing Affection
Even men who have lots of self-confidence are happy to get recognition in any form, especially in bed. After all, they want to get everything right and give you the best experience. Many men are therefore grateful when you tell them that you enjoy the things they are doing. Your enthusiasm will reassure your man that he is attractive and desired. Other ways to show your enjoyment in bed include being vocal, trying to take the lead, or simply getting more involved and enthused about sex in general.
Sexy Moves
The way you move in everyday life and in bed makes up a part of your appearance which is very important for your partner, as discussed above. Taking the time to slowly strip in front of your partner to music can be fun and arousing for both you and him.
The key here is not to worry. Stripping does not have to be reserved for strippers. Have fun with it! Dim the lights, get your partner in bed and enter the room full of self-confidence. Wear sexy lingerie, high heels, and a long men's shirt or dress that is easy to take off. Then, strip down to your underwear while using a chair as a prop so your husband can see you move your body as you are undressing.
Throw every piece of clothing you take off towards your man. Put one foot on the chair so he can get a good look at your legs. Turn around, twist your hips, and bend down so your man can see your body from behind. Have fun doing it. Smile and don't take yourself too seriously.
Showing Initiative
The vast majority of men say that they want to feel wanted. Only then could they really desire their partner. And the main way men determine whether they are wanted by their partner is initiative in sex.
It is one thing when you say you want him. But a completely different one when you actually initiate sex. Many women often believe that guys should initiate sex and do most of the work in bed. But every person wants to feel wanted by their partner regardless of their gender. Men want to be the "object of desire" for a woman from time to time as well but unfortunately, many men often don’t get the chance to feel this way. So showing initiative in bed is a great way to make your man feel wanted and turn him on.
Also, men generally really enjoy unplanned sex. Spontaneous sex is a real turn-on for them, with spontaneity meaning that the partner begins the intercourse at a time when they don’t expect it.
Being the boss in bed every now and then is another way to spice up your sex life. Choose a night to take full control of your man, get him into your bedroom, and tell him exactly what to do. Don't take no for an answer - within reasonable limits - and don't smile or fall out of character. Make up your mind about what you want to do and follow the plan. You can also use this opportunity to introduce new sex positions in the bedroom. And new experiences are always hot.
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