June 07, 2022
Founding Anoeses
Anoeses eroticism takes its start from the relationship of Kostya and Katya Savvopulo. Their growth as a couple shows the power of interdependency, secure attachment style, and co-creation, which reflects in the rise of the brand. This story is about shared goals.
Katya and Kostya wanted to find a work they could truly enjoy. They were going through great changes in life, and with this wind, they started embodying their visions. Kostya was responsible for the products, website, and photo shootings, and Katya — for finances, modeling and sales.

"We remember working in the small, cold office with no money to buy a space heater and rent a photo studio. I had to photograph Katya there, and obviously, she was cold, so during the long shootings, I brought her hot beverages and rubbed the body to warm her up. Such an atmosphere motivated us to do our job perfectly".
The motivation, but the challenges are always new. Co-founders and team create some of them as an opportunity to develop, and some — life offers by herself. Anoeses brand experiences exactly this symbiotic influence of goals and circumstances in Ukraine right now.

"We are at a developmental stage where it is necessary to review the entire business structure of the brand for further scaling. Meanwhile, the war in Ukraine makes its own adjustments. In these circumstances, it is problematic to implement proven strategies for business development and make long-term plans. We have to adapt processes to extreme events constantly".
No brand is an island, and behind all achievements stands the Anoeses team. Kostya and Katya have the ambition to introduce the whole world to the Ukrainian product. And it is achievable with the support of like-minded, talented people who are trying to make this world a little more beautiful and sensual.