July 19, 2021
Meaningful beauty: Anoeses' first photo story that celebrates diversity
How many times in your life, have you tried to fit in some frames? Sexual? Beauty? Someone else’s expectations? There are a billion of viewpoints that may have nothing in common with your nature. But we’re not going to rant about how life is unfair. Accusations just take too much time and effort. We better celebrate diversity!
How many times in your life, have you tried to fit in some frames? Sexual? Beauty? Someone else’s expectations? There are a billion of viewpoints that may have nothing in common with your nature. But we’re not going to rant about how life is unfair. Accusations just take too much time and effort. We better celebrate diversity!

As a fetish fashion brand, we realize the importance of accepting and nourishing distinctions and, of course, kinks. That’s why we’ve invited models of different nationalities and bodies to present our latest collection of bodywear

Bodysuit JADE
When choosing lingerie, you follow the inner sensation that tells you what’s going to match your unique sexuality. That’s why it’s crucial for us to present our products in various scenarios, so you can see yourself in them.


Body set CHER
Of course, being the masters of erotic accessories and lingerie, we placed emphasis on alluring design. Either you get inspired by dominatrix looks or want to tastefully expose your skin this summer with our bodysuits, you can achieve both.

We sew all our bodysuits and catsuits on individual measurements. It’s one of the best ways to celebrate the uniqueness of your body because you can have something that fits just your curves. Also, if you have any build specificities (e.g. wide shoulders), please let us know. We want you to feel sexy as hell in Anoeses bodywear, and details matter!

In this photo story, we were trying to show the unique sexual vibes of our models. Their differences in nationalities and body types create meaningful beauty. It was a pure pleasure to observe their interaction on the camera. When they were wearing Anoeses bodysuits, they freely expressed their sexiness. They were playful, desirable, and independent.
Does it sound like something you want to try on?
To discover more about Anoeses, sexualities, BDSM and connect with our community, follow @anoeses.education.