December 24, 2019
Sexperiment. Ukrainians, BDSM and renewal of relationship.
The project claims that trying new sexual practices isn't frightening, it's a necessity.
Partners must talk about their desires, fantasies and passions. Bodies are beautiful, people in love are beautiful and sincerity and honesty are beautiful.
The result of Sexperiment must inspire society to change the negative attitude to
eroticism into a positive one. It's aimed at teaching people to get aesthetic enjoyment from eroticism and treat it as a source of inspiration and additional energy in a relationship. The strategy of the project conveys the brand philosophy which appeals to relaxedness, openness, trust and honesty in relationship.
BDSM attributes brand ANOESES investigated sexuality of Ukrainians in its own social project "Sexperiment".
"I'm not ready for a threesome but I'm not against more mass format".
We love educating people about BDSM but our team also designs harnesses, restraints, leather lingerie, latex and mesh bodywear, corsets and much more.
Browse our selection and discover luxurious and sexy garments for any taste, size, or gender. And now let's get back to the topic.
This is the answer to the question about sexual practices that gave Anya, Artem's girlfriend. And this is only the tip of the iceberg which is called Sexperiment.
The aim of the project is to discover if Ukrainians work on their relationships and to show how ready they are to diversify their sexual life with erotic experiments.
"Often people in a long-term relationship are not able to be honest, talk sincerely
and be open about their desires with partners, moreover, they can be even afraid
to confess their desires to themselves. They suppress negative feelings
which creates inner tension, as a result, such areas of life as relationships, health,
work and finance fall apart", - says Kostyantyn Savvopulo, the owner of the brand.
These were Kostyantyn's observations that inspired the idea of the project.
The project claims that trying new sexual practices isn't frightening, it's a necessity.
Partners must talk about their desires, fantasies and passions. Bodies are beautiful, people in love are beautiful and sincerity and honesty are beautiful.
Sexperiment inspires through 3 means of interaction:
- BDSM, to try a new practice and to become more courageous.
- Nude photo session by Roman Pashkovskyi, to show the beauty of each other in a new way, to feel pleasant excitement and to throw tight off.
- Interview with the sexologist Olha Panchenko, to talk honestly, to find answers and to open up.
"There are lots of stereotypes in our life. This is the reason for insecurity and
problems people have in sexual life. These are stereotypes related to sex, eroticism,
nudity and new practices. This is judgmental attitude to perversions and new practices, everything that goes beyond the missionary position under the blanket. This is excessive conservatism. This is fear of the new and closure", - says the sexologist Olha Panchenko.
The beginning of Sexperiment.
Three couples were selected to participate in the project. Sexperiment was aimed at helping each couple get rid of stereotypes in sexual life, live new experience and reveal the unknown to each other.
"The project claims that trying new sexual practices isn't frightening, it's a necessity. Partners must talk about their desires, fantasies, and passions. Bodies are beautiful, people in love are beautiful and sincerity and honesty are beautiful", - adds Kostyantyn.
"First an open call of the experiment was started in social media. Everybody could
participate. In the first round 15 couples, ANOESES brand fans, were selected.
After the first meeting with the sexologist Olha Panchenko only three couples continued the experiment", - says the curator of the project Daria Drygola.
The second round of Sexperiment.
Then the participants had a nude photo session by Roman Pashkovskyi.
The photo shooting was carried out with our BDSM attributes. For most of men it was the first experience of a nude photo session. Anyway, for each couple it was a unique experience: some had shaking hands, others immediately got relaxed and undressed. However, thanks to the photo shooting, all could see their partner's sexuality in a new way, feel desire and passion.
"I thought I would be more reserved but everything was okay. I think it's because Anya was by my side. She helped me a lot. It turned out that when I am with her I'm not afraid even of semi-public nudity", - says Artem, Anya's boyfriend.
During the interview with the sexologist the most important questions were related to sexual practices, acceptance of new experiences and stereotypes in society and a couple. Monogamy, threesome, the influence of everyday life on sex, parenthood
and flirting with other people was discussed freely.
Summing up, it’s better to avoid judgments and let the participants answer the question: what did you learn from the experiment?
"In general we would like to be more open and talk about everything in our sexual life. But we can't do it because of social framework, parents, work, and publicity", - said Natasha and Artem.
The results of Sexperiment. To be continued?
and helped reassess the physical and romantic relationship of their couple.
Oleksii and Maryna
"I take this project as a very cool emotional chance. We had fun and felt a great influence on our sexual life. We felt differently. It's about everyday moments, this moment is one of them, it's our common routine. We could lay on the sofa and didn't encourage each other to do something interesting or we could do what we did. It's awesome and entertaining, it gives the opportunity to feel our relationship alive".
Artem and Natalia
"It's cool that the topic of sexuality is being developed in Ukraine and different facets of sexual life are shown. You don't have to do it only as your grandma advised. You can choose by yourself what to do, how to do it, when and who with. I discovered the importance of honesty in society. And first of all, with myself. I realized the importance of not hiding behind the curtain of gender roles and social units like family but show yourself as you are”.
Artem and Anya
"My greatest discovery was how I can feel protected and intimate with my partner
being with unknown people by our side. Before the project we talked about our
relationship. We've been together for 2 years. We don't want to get old and rusty. We were thinking of trying something new. We participated in the project and it's cool that there was an opportunity to talk to the sexologist. We had wanted to talk to the qualified specialist about our fears and desires before. It's a special sign for us to develop together as a couple".
The result of Sexperiment must inspire society to change the negative attitude to
eroticism into a positive one. It's aimed at teaching people to get aesthetic enjoyment from eroticism and treat it as a source of inspiration and additional energy in a relationship. The strategy of the project conveys the brand philosophy which appeals to relaxedness, openness, trust and honesty in relationship.
Special thanks from ANOESES to:
- Participants: Natalia and Artem, Maryna and Oleksii, Anya and Artem
- Art-director Daria Drygola
- Sexologist Olha Panchenko
- Photographer Roman Pashkovskyi
- Makeup and hairstylist Anna Lysenko
- Shibari master Yulia Vasiliyeva
- Interviewer and camera operator Tim Meyr