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Types of sexuality

February 01, 2021

Types of sexuality

We love educating people about BDSM but our team also designs harnesses, restraints, leather lingerie, latex and mesh bodywear, corsets and much more.

Browse our selection and discover luxurious and sexy garments for any taste, size, or gender. And now let's get back to the topic.

Who am I? This question can explode in the bed at 2 am, in the shower, when you are wasted, when you drive, or when a barista in Starbucks asks your name. Literally, the existential question – who am I lies in wait for us at every corner. And behind his massiveness can stand and wait in the wings an anxiety attack. It waves and says with a cruel smirk - 'Hello my dear! You don't know the answer. Great! I was waiting for this moment'.

Kinky friends, when who-am-I comes to you, praise yourself because not every human asks this question. And then remember that you are more than the sum of your parts, and you should be interested in investigating them. Your sexuality is one of them. We would like to help you at least with this one. Because sexuality and sexual attractions are an inherent part of our identity.


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What types of sexuality exist?

  • Androsexual – a kind of sexual or romantic attraction to man and masculinity regardless of anatomy or sex assigned at birth.
  • Gunesexual – kind of sexual or romantic attraction to woman and feminity regardless of anatomy or sex assigned at birth.
  • Asexual – an identity that belongs to people who do not experience sexual attraction to other people of any gender.
  • Allosexual – it is a term that appeared as the opposite of asexual. It is an identity that requires sexual attraction to others.
  • Cupisexual – this term is used to describe asexual people who, despite the absence of sexual attraction, still engage in sexual relationships.
  • Libidoist asexual – this term is used to describe asexual people who, by self-stimulating, satisfy their sexual feelings.
  • Bisexual - a sexual orientation that belongs to people who experience attraction to more than one gender.
  • Gay - a sexual orientation that belongs to people who experience sexual attraction to people of the same or similar gender.
  • Demisexual - this term is used to describe the sexual orientation of people who feel sexual attraction after building an emotional relationship with others.
  • Sapiosexual – a kind of sexual attraction based on the intelligence of a person but not gender.
  • Heterosexual or straight - it is a sexual orientation that belongs to people who experience attraction to the opposite gender.
  • Pansexual – it is a kind of sexual or romantic attraction to any person regardless of anatomy or sex assigned at birth.
  • Pomosexual – this term is used to describe people who do not identify themselves with any sexuality.
  • Autosexual – it is a kind of sexual attraction that a person experience to themselves. Engaging in masturbation does not mean that you are autosexual.

Also, remember that sexuality is fluid, and the sexual attractions you have now can change over time. So feel free to explore yourself without putting it-is-me-forever labels. You have the right to be yourself and change your opinion if you want.

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